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GLITHERM ECO CONCENTRATE Heat Transfer Fluid is not a ready-to-use product. Glitherm ECO concentrate must be diluted with demineralized water before use. Do not use undiluted product due to its high density, high concentration of Glycol and lack of protection against freezing. For more information on the dilution process and the preparation of ready-made solutions, see the “Dilution” section. If you want to learn more about it, click on the appropriate tab above.
Heat Transfer Fluid GLITHERM ECO CONCENTRAT is a modern, highly concentrated monopropylene glycol (MPG) concentrate that meets the highest quality standards. GLITHERM ECO concentrate is designed for quick and convenient preparation of mixtures of standard Heat Transfer Fluids as well as mixtures prepared on the basis of individual customer needs. The concentrated formula of the product is especially recommended wherever transport and/or storage costs have a significant share in overall costs. The concentrated product takes up less space during transport and storage. The total cost of transport/storage is therefore better distributed per unit of the finally obtained solution of the working liquid. The Glitherm Eco Heat Transfer Fluid Concentrate allows you to place an order when, for example, the concentration of glycol in the working fluid or the minimum operating temperature of the working fluid are not yet specified. Using the concentrate, you can obtain several different working fluids with different concentrations of glycol for different installations on one or more investments. This facilitates logistics and reduces the risk of mistakes in delivering a ready-made fluid with a different glycol concentration to the wrong investment.
The highest quality of Glitherm ECO Heat Transfer Fluid Concentrate is confirmed by:
GLITHERM ECO concentrate is produced on the basis of primary, and therefore the highest quality, Mono Propylene Glycol (MPG), which is not the result of recycling. The use of Propylene Glycol, an ecological and environmentally friendly raw material, made it possible to create a product whose mixtures do not pose a threat. Possible emergency unsealing of the installation or insufficiently careful handling of the concentrated product or its mixtures does not pose a threat to the health and life of the personnel or users, as well as to the natural environment. There are no threats to nearby watercourses, groundwater or other elements of the environment, which must be carefully observed when using products based on ethylene glycol.
The enrichment of the concentrate recipe with additives, corrosion inhibitors and modern anti-foaming agents guarantees that the mixtures prepared on the basis of this product will ensure long and trouble-free operation of each installation. The product does not foam when filling the installation and during its operation, thus eliminating all problems related to the presence of dispersion mixtures. Mixtures made on the basis of Glitherm ECO Concentrate provide durable and effective protection of installations against corrosion, precipitation and the formation of deposits. They keep the installation clean. Although the mixture does not contain toxic components in significant amounts, it completely protects against the development of microorganisms inside the installation. It does not contain admixtures of glycerin and alcohols. Mixtures made from the concentrate can be used for many years. The manufacturer guarantees up to 5 years of trouble-free operation of mixtures prepared and used in accordance with the guidelines.
UV marker. GLITHERM ECO Heat Transfer Liquid Concentrate can be enriched with an additive, a UV marker. This additive has no effect on the physicochemical properties of the final product and the mixtures obtained from it. The addition of a UV marker causes the working liquid to glow under the influence of UV radiation. This is invaluable help in detecting possible leaks or leaks in the installation. While large leaks are easy to locate, smaller ones can cause problems. The more so that they are most often located in hard-to-reach places, at the joints of elements, etc. When using a UV marker, it is enough to darken a given part of the installation and illuminate it with UV rays from, for example, a small pocket flashlight. Leakage or lack of it will then be clearly visible. This is an easy way to tell if there is a leak or not, even for the layman. Convincing, for example, the investor or persons representing him about the tightness of the installation in the case of using a UV marker is trivial. Installation tightness testing using a UV marker can be carried out while the installation is being used by the user without the participation of the service team. Such an installation tightness test may become, for example, a routine element of facility inspection by the investor’s or user’s internal services. The manufacturer recommends using a UV marker for each installation.
Basic color and available colors. GLITHERM ECO CONCENTRATE Heat Transfer Fluid is offered in green as standard. The color of the concentrate is the result of the use of a completely neutral pigment, it does not affect the physicochemical properties of the product. The pigment used can be replaced with another, enabling the production of concentrates in various colors, from pink through yellow, blue to violet, on special customer request. The color of the working fluid may seem like an insignificant feature of the finished product. However, the differentiation of ordered colors of GLITHERM ECO Concentrates is particularly appreciated when it is necessary to distinguish between materials ordered for several simultaneously serviced investments. A glance at the warehouse is enough to know which material to fail for which investment, which of the works managers has already collected its material, and which is still in the warehouse. Sometimes, especially in markets other than our home country, the color must comply with local laws and regulations or take into account the local cultural context.
ATTENTION! Do not use mixtures of GLITHERM ECO Concentrate in installations containing galvanized elements. Product mixtures are compatible with the majority of materials commonly used in installations, such as: steel, cast iron, aluminum, copper, copper alloys, brass. Glitherm ECO Heat Transfer Fluid Concentrate solutions can be successfully used in brazed installations.
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